The Artwork of Margaret (Sumner) Bucher (1924-2006)

Margaret S. Bucher applying the finishing touches
to painting MSB301, 1973

This site is a memorial to Margaret S. Bucher and her remarkable artwork. She took lessons and painted for more than 30 years -- from before the 1973 picture to the left until 2005 just a year or so before her death. As Beth and I cleared out the apartment at the Evergreens and settled her estate, I vowed that I would produce this showcase of her work as a tribute. It is only now, six years later, that I can fulfill that promise as her son-in-law.

John A. Lucas

Most of pictures are watercolors on 14 by 20 inch standard watercolor paper ("white standard" in the notes). Some watercolors are on smaller or larger pieces of standard watercolor paper as well as a few on "unusual" papers. There are also:

  • four paintings in acrylic on canvas
  • pencil sketches and studies
  • one drawing in chalk/pastels

NOTE: Paintings that were

  • hanging in the Evergreens apartment, or
  • given to and in the possession of individuals

are listed last, from MSB300 onward. We know that this is a partial listing and others may added as discovered. If you were given one or more of her paintings and would be willing to take and send a photo, we would be delighted to add it to this record.

Enter the Margaret Sumner Bucher Showcase

For technical notes explaining the tools and techniques used to produce this site and an explanation of the Size, Paper, and Notes tags applied to the images, click here.

Copyright (c) 2007,2012 by the Estate of Margaret S. Bucher, Elizabeth B. Lucas, Executrix. All rights reserved.